A beautiful bouquet of pastel roses made of genuine porcelain are decorated with sparkling pink crystals and is held upon a gilded chain. Below hangs a single, delicate teardrop shaped faux pearl. A dainty and charming accessory that adds a soft, feminine touch to any outfit. Adjustable from 16" to 19" length.
- 6mm x 10mm faux pearl Drop
- Measurements:16"L x 0.69"W x 1.3"H
Our enchanting Porcelain Rose Collection features charming pieces with a feminine, vintage feel. Gold-tone & silver-tone styles are decorated with roses made of genuine porcelain for a delicate look that adds an antique charm to any ensemble. The rose is the symbol of love, power, feeling, and courage once thought to be associated with Aphrodite the goddess of love. Genuine porcelain roses have been with us since the very beginning and we continue to grow our garden with new looks. From our delicate rose earrings and necklaces to our hair barrettes and pins, this truly romantic symbol adds a delicate look to any style. Make your own statement by adding antique charm to any outfit.